Our projects

Eurodesk runs various projects related to youth information and participation. Each year we organise a flagship campaign called Time to Move all around Europe. The aim is to highlight the work of our local multipliers and to raise awareness among young people on ways of experiencing the world.   Eurodesk works hands in hands with the European Commission on two projects:

  • The European Youth Portal: a multilingual platform with all you need to know as a young European
  • The European Youth Week: a campaign taking place every two years to raise awareness about a key European topic for young people.

Eurodesk offers numerous capacity building and learning opportunities to its members at European, national and local level. Every year, we reward the most innovative and participative projects of our local multipliers through our Eurodesk Awards. A publication highlights those successful projects. Eurodesk has developed training resources to reinforce the capacity of its national Eurodesk Centres and local multipliers:  

  • Euroclasses: hands-on modules on to be run in schools and universities.
  • Qualifying Training Programme: hands on modules to train our multipliers on the core mission of Eurodesk.
  • Competence Framework of Eurodesk Mobility Advisor: the competence profile of youth information workers active in our network.
  Eurodesk organises two Network Meetings per year with its 37 national coordinators and one Multipliers’ Seminar that brings together over 50 multipliers from all over Europe. National network meetings are also organised by our National Eurodesk Centres.


Eurodesk Brussels Link 
Place Stephanie 6
1050, Brussels
[email protected]

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