Eurodesk Competence Framework

The ​​Competence Framework of Eurodesk Mobility Advisors provides a common framework for Eurodesk Multipliers. The term has been coined to give a common name and recognition to all different formats of delivering the ‘core business’ of Eurodesk – namely, providing information about mobility opportunities to young people all over Europe.

The second edition of the competence framework of Eurodesk mobility advisors aims to bring even more clarity to the role of a Eurodesk mobility advisor. It incorporates important dimensions such as supporting youth wellbeing. It will be supplemented by several training assessment tools and activities. The competence framework is also better aligned with the Eurodesk six-year strategy for the period 2022-2027.

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YouthInfoComp - A European Competence Framework for Youth Information Workers

In 2021 Eurodesk and ERYICA developed a joint framework for the profession of youth information workers - YouthInfoComp. The framework, first of its kind in Europe, provides a generalist point of view into the competences required for youth information work. 

YouthInfoComp provides a direction to ensure quality in youth information work and services and further recognition to the field. YouthInfoComp also serves as a general guide to Eurodesk’s Mobility Advisor Competence Framework; while YouthInfoComp is for the general profession, Eurodesk’s framework is specific for Mobility Advisors, the field of learning mobility, and the services Eurodesk provides.

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